The City of Nowata recently undertook another step in the city's streetscape project in downtown Nowata. The streetscape project has already produced new sidewalk lights accompanied with new city banners and new plants.
Now the city has begun the process of implementing new street signs throughout the downtown area. These signs bear the city's new logo and color scheme, creating synergy with the city's new logo system throughout the city. In collaboration with the signs, the city started to install new city benches throughout popular spots in downtown. These benches bear a design anchored by the city's new logo.
To follow suit with the new street signs and downtown benches, the city staff have also begun to paint light poles in the downtown district black. This is just another step in the city's effort to give the community a facelift as it continues its aggressive efforts to recruit new business and industry.
For more information about the project contact Nowata City Hall: (918) 273-3538 or helpdesk@nowataok.gov