Call the Nowata City-County Library main line for immediate assistance, (918) 273-3363.
Contact Library
Library Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Library Main Line: (918) 273-3363
Email: HelpDesk@NowataOK.gov
Library's Address:
224 S. Pine Street
Nowata, OK 74048
Driving Directions to City-County Library
After Hours Book Return: Located at the front of the main entrance to the library.
Library Services
Rent Community Rooms
The Nowata City-County Library at the Harmon Community Center offers two community rooms that are available for reservation for your event.
The larger of the two is most commonly used for countywide meetings and features dedicated restrooms, table and chairs, TV, and a small kitchen area. Microphones and assistance with connecting your computer to the WiFi and TV are available upon request. Dedicated parking is available at the library.
Call the Library staff to discuss reserving a room, (918) 273-3363
Research Assistance
Please contact the library staff for all research assistance requests.